BURLINGTON, Vt. (WCAX) - Libraries around the region celebrate ‘NaNoWriMo’ to encourage writers.
November is national novel writing month and several libraries around the region are hosting open spaces for participating writers.
It’s called NaNoWriMo for short and it challenges writers to write 50 thousand words in 30 days.
It aims to encourage people to find their creative voices. Over 400 thousand writers participated nationwide. In Vermont, numerous libraries have been holding spaces throughout the month to support local writers.
Organizers say hosting write-in spaces is a great way to bring writers together.
“Everyone has their own story and this National Novel Writing Month gives them the space to have kind of structure. And then also the support, so being able to come in and talk to other writers cause sometimes other writers are the only ones who can understand the challenge and joy of writing,” says Aurora Hurd a municipal liaison.
Anne Lalond was celebrating her 15th year participating, “The community... It’s if this is something you can’t really do on your own is write 50,000 words in a month. You need to have accountability and know that other people are also doing this crazy thing along with you,”
Libraries in Essex, Burlington, Vergennes and more open their doors to writers for the rest of November to tell their story.
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2022-11-20 01:39:00Z
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