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18 Infuriating Notes Written By Truly Awful People - BuzzFeed

18 Infuriating Notes Written By Truly Awful People

Sometimes people say upsetting things that make you go, "DID YOU ACTUALLY JUST SAY THAT?!?!?!"

But other times people WRITE these things out — like they literally make the decision to commit absolutely ridiculous and/or abhorrent things to paper. Friends, the following 21 images are from those people:

1. First, this unhinged person had absolutely no shame in admitting what they did:

2. And this landlord seriously posted about how to defraud people out of their deposit (or bond as they call it in Australia):

3. This neighbor wrote an infuriating and totally unsolicited letter that includes the old "I'm not racist but..." line:

4. This teacher had the AUDACITY to write this note giving their student a zero on a whole-ass paper just because it wasn't turned in stapled:

5. And this professor had the gall to write an email saying an assignment turned in before the due date was, in fact, late:

6. This business owner actually sat down and typed out this totally unreasonable rule for their employees to follow:

7. This person — oh boy — accepted a delivery meant for a neighbor down the street, then, after using most of it, tried to sell the rest to the very neighbor who ordered/paid for it:

8. This POS went off like this over a salad...and let me just say this woman dodged a bullet and can do SOOOO much better:

9. This charmer wrote a note threatening to call the police if their neighbor didn't stop — am I reading this right? — walking around barefoot:

10. And this absolutely demented weirdo threatened legal action against a neighbor because the potted plants on their porch were artificial:

11. While we're again on the subject of bad neighbors, this one lost it because someone had a get together on — checks notes — Thanksgiving:

12. This franchise owner decided it was totally normal and cool to post this:

13. And this gym owner said, "Why yes...this is equally normal and cool!":

14. These roommates just went ahead and sent a text billing another roomie for...something they didn't ask for:

15. This jerk (no question mark needed) was totally fine with harassing this woman about not drinking:

16. And this car wash attendant had no problem sending a woman this first text:

17. These "tire fighters" are "sorry, not sorry" about writing this and leaving it on people's cars:

18. And lastly, this similarly unpleasant person also left a threatening note on a car without any second thoughts:

May I just say to all of these people:

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2023-02-18 12:16:03Z

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