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Write Team: Live your best life – Shaw Local - Shaw Local

It is hard to believe this stint of sharing and connecting through my writing has ended.

However, I am grateful for the opportunity to write and share my voice with others. I hope I added some humor to your day, brought insight into beliefs and perspectives, inspired you to live your best life, and, most importantly, be a good human.

Sometimes when we put ourselves out there and go against the narrative, whatever that may be at the moment, we are met with adversity. Maybe some don’t like to hear truths that go against ideologies or like the positive energy that one can bring, but remember that consequences follow with all choices in life.

If our actions are done with a pure heart and good intentions, it is worth it. Don’t be afraid to follow your path. Let’s recap ways to live your best life.

When you wake up each morning, do not go straight for your phone, computer, or news outlet.

Take the time to reflect and express gratitude. How you start your day will be the catalyst to how it unfolds. If you read a social media post that is upsetting or negative, you have already sabotage your day with negative vibes. It takes five positive thoughts to undo one negative thought. What and who we let into our circle greatly influences our thoughts, actions, and overall well-being.

Become aware of your inner dialgoue. Are you filling your head with positive self-affiramations or non-stop negative thoughts? This is a mindful practice that does take time, but once you are aware of how you talk about yourself and others you can make the choice to break that habit.

Our thoughts become our reality. What we continually think about we will get in our lives. Listen carefully. It is a process, but don’t give up. It is well worth the adjustments. I saw a challenge that asked to “try saying nothing negative for 24 hours straight and watch your life change”. Not easy since we are surrounded with so much negativity, but a challenge worth taking.

Mindset matters. Don’t be so hard on yourself. Accept challenges and failures and understand they are an ends to a mean. We learn and grow with each mistake we make. If you tell yourself you can’t do something, you won’t do it. If you tell yourself you can, you will. Don’t let fear hold you back from what could be a fantastic opportunity. Change is scary, but change is constant.

Don’t hold on so tight to your beliefs that you cannot see perspective. Be open-minded. I have used this exercise at my workshops and in the classroom to prove your way is not the right and only way. I have a room full of 50 people. I show an image and ask the group to reflect on what they see. When we regroup, I have 50 different responses. Weren’t we all looking at the same picture? Yes, but we see things differently. There was no wrong answer. There was no correct answer. Each person saw what they saw. This world needs us to listen, have difficult conversations, come to the table with solutions, and in the end, agree to disagree. Perspective allows for better outcomes and a kinder world.

In the end, we all have stories to share. These stories and life experiences can help others learn, connect, and grow. If we don’t like the chapter we are in, we have the power to change the outcome. Each day is full of blessings, choices, and a do-over if needed. Every interaction matters, even if passing a stranger on the street. We all have the power to make this world brighter. It starts with us. Thank you for taking this journey with me for the past six months. I appreciate all the connections I have made along the way. I hope I have encouraged you to live your best life.

Until we meet again ...

  • Lee Ann Raikes is a resident of Ottawa, and works as a seventh grade ELA educator at Marseilles Elementary. She’s been teaching for 17 years.

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2022-06-14 10:20:00Z

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