Samsung recently lifted the covers off a new Android tablet — the Galaxy Tab A8. It’s an affordable tablet that features a 10.5-inch 1080p LCD panel, a Unisoc SoC, 4GB of RAM, up to 128GB of storage, and a 7,040mAh battery with 15W fast charging support. In addition, the tablet packs an 8MP main camera, a 5MP selfie camera, and a quad-speaker setup. The tablet runs One UI 3.0 based on Android 11 out of the box, so it doesn’t come with all the new software features Samsung introduced in One UI 4, but Samsung has included a couple of new wallpapers for the tablet.
The new Galaxy Tab A8 packs six new stock wallpapers that feature the same abstract brushstroke pattern in different color combinations. There are three color options for the brushstroke pattern and six background color options that go well with either dark or light themes. If you like what you see, you can download the full resolution wallpapers from the link below. The images attached in the gallery are in a compressed format, so they might not scale well on your phone or tablet.
If you’re always on the lookout for new wallpapers to customize your device, make sure you check out our roundup of the best wallpaper apps for Android for a couple of great recommendations. Also, take a look at our previous wallpaper coverage to download stock wallpapers from other recently released devices, including the Pixel 6 series, the OnePlus 9RT, OnePlus Nord 2 Pac-Man Edition, and many more!
Download Samsung Galaxy Tab A8 wallpapers
The post Here are all the stock wallpapers from the new Samsung Galaxy Tab A8 appeared first on xda-developers.
Source : xda-developers
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